Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Just Like Heaven

My damagingly dry, from the frigid cold coupled with oil based heat, face is tracked with tears from this painful movie. I realize I am a sap of the highest order. The movie starred Reese Witherspoon and Mark Rafalao. The movie takes place in San Francisco and the scenery is just so fabulously SF. Anyway, she dies, he is emotionally dead, he rents her apartment, she haunts the apartment, they fall in love. A heartfelt movie about fate, hope, love, and life getting in the way of living. Totally worth the rent especially if you are a hopeless/hopeful romantic like me. (note: despite being pissed off if a marriage proposal came in the middle of a dance, I am a romantic).

Speaking of fate and faith ... if you want a funny, yet painful, mocking of the Christians movie, check out Saved! The movie stars Mandy Moore, the kid from Almost Famous, McCauley Caulkin, Jena Malone, Heather Matazzaro (Welcome to the Dollhouse) and Susan Sarandon's kid. Funny stuff - or maybe its just funny because I am a recovering Catholic School girl. The denial, the guilt, the hope that Jesus really saves and the harsh reality that faith and being down with G-O-D does not in and of itself make life happy or good. Life in fact, just does not work that way. All that and the movie pokes fun at those of us who can get sucked into the infamous Lifetime movie, most of which star one of the Charlie's Angels, Valerie Bertinelli, Meredith Baxter Bernie, or Joe Polnacheck from Facts of Life. One lesson: "You're not born A Gay. You're Born Again!" LOL!

Speaking of which - LWord is on in 3 minutes so be ready for yet one more rant.


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