Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


This movie was the BOMB! As you know I hate Tom Cruise for his whole weird scientology weirdness. However, it took the first scene for me to forget about the there's no such thing as post-partum depression. The movie was action packed. The acting was awesome. Ving Rymes - I love him. I even loved the Grey's Anatomy chick as Tom's wife. Unbelievable action. Great story. Of course there is not a movie that goes by (except for Napoleon Dynomite - LOL!) that get's away scot free. Within the first 10 minutes there were three horrible edits...one scene the woman had glasses, the next minute she didn't; one minute tom had blood coming out of his nose, the next scene not a scratch on him. The third well I forgot it but it was there. The movie just rocked - of course the bad guy is easy to pick out but we forgive it.

They paid homage to at least three, non-Mission Impossible, movies: 1. the motorcycle scene from Top Gun, the costume from Born on the 4th of July, and the red ball in the mouth from Ving's movie Pulp Fiction. There could have been more but alas.

The one thing I will put out there is that it really was a pumped up True Lies! But it totally rocked! Even though I don't want to give money to the Scientologists but I MUST OWN IT!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

12:03 AM  

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