Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

America Has No Talent

Wow! This show is pretty bad! Horribly even. It seems they took The gong Show and threw in Reege. However, the Gong Show was much more amusing. How can you not have a funny show with Joane Woorley(sp?) and Paul Linde? Can I get an Amen!

Of the people who went to the next level tonight - the cloggers were good as was this little white 11 year old Jenniefer Holiday who ROCKED THE HOUSE! Who wudda thunk that voice would come out of that body? And with the change your hair, shoes, dress comment her father will have her as a little vamp in the finals.

What I want to know is this - how can a stripper (and how gross was it to watch Hasselhoff and Pierce get all excited over this woman), cloggers, the 11 year old, the freaky guy with the wings, and those horribly no-shirted slippy guys be in the finals? How do you really judge those varied talents. Honestly. And is Reege in the same stage as Hasselhoff, Brandy, and that Pierce dude? Or was it simply bad editing. Horrible.

The real question is why the hell did I contine to watch this show. I have already given up on the dancing show. I must just be tired. And hot. I miss American Idol.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe you should try Mythbusters. They have crazy talent and blow stuff up all the time in the name of science. And they don't ever have David Hasselhorf or dorf or whatever his name is.

12:12 AM  

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