Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Monday, June 26, 2006

Wait! Was that Kar or Wolverine?

First I need a serious haircut, trim, reshaping of the fro. Next, today I walk to the restroom and finally after 4 hours at work look in the mirror. Not only is my hair a complete frizz ball but the curls sort of misfired and were shaped in this bizare devilish whirlytwirl around my head. So, I looked like wolverine. And the scowl, I think I own the patent on that scowl.

Leon James International Hair Studio needs to hook a sista UP!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

leon james international hair studio will hook a sista up anytime she wants to be hooked up!!!!! hola

10:54 PM  

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