My life is as good as Dancing Queen
I just returned from a tiring foray at Toys R Us, emerging with only half of the kids on my list finished. This is honestly the earliest I have shopped. Amazing. I was further amazed that someone I know actually has all her xmas stuff up, presents wrapped and cards sent. I think this means she should free up time and take my list and money and hit the stores. I am having trouble for some reason FOCUSING on gifts for some of the kids - and they are typically the easiest for me to finish. Honestly, I am a big kid! A Kid! If I could afford it of course I would spring for Wiis or PS3's for everyone. This is why I have no money, because i would just spend and spend to make everyone around me, of course make myself, happy as can be. And then, my life would be as good, if not better than Dancing Queen.
Can anyone tell me where that quote (although not verbatim) comes from?
Its Monday night and La Favre (say this like Lucy said La Tabla in that episode of Lucy when she and ethel tried to learn french from the waiter) is throwing in the snow - I love foorball season, if only it happened in the summer.
Nitey nite.