Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Jdog's birthday dinner

I cooked for Jdog's birthday. And I will say this - I rocked. It was a seafood smorgasborg. I had to work but had all intentions of leaving at noon. Then I had a 2pm meeting and had to get my grades in (didn't happen) and then shop and go home and cook. It became apparent that this was not going to happen in a manner that put dinner on the table when Jdog got home.

So, I leave work around 330 and head to the store. I can boil lobster and steamers - easy. I was unsure of the trick behind scallops and bacon. Apparently there is no trick other than pre-cooking the bacon, wrapping it around the scallops and throwing it under the broiler. Now, I will admit that I did not realize that I had a broiler. NOW WAIT before chastizing me. When I was growing up the broiler was under the oven AND I used the oven about 5 times prior to jdog moved in. SO, who the frig knew. Ok everyone but me - the dog lover had to help me out on that one. And when i had a panic attack in the store attempting to pull together the ingredients for bacony shrimp cheese grits (thank you funkadelic) she also had to explain that green onions were basically scallions. So, I get the ingredients and go home and cook.

Scallops in bacon, lobster, steamers, and bacony shrimp cheese grits. IT WAS THE BOMB and Jdog was in a food coma after that meal. THE BOMB! So, my new thing is to try to cook something new every friday - I work from home and can monitor oven temps and crock pots. I will let you know if anything works.


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