Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Was Charlie's Angels always so Lesbianese?

Anyway, Charlie's Angels is now on at 10pm on the I (formerly the pax) Network. And there are shows I dvr just to fall asleep to - Seinfeld and Charlie's Angels. CA is one of my favorite all time shows - I love the angels and learned some great cop/PI moves from watching sabrina mostly but the other angels too. My heroines. KAPOW!! And well if you didn't know this about me and yet read this blog you get my obsession.

I love Sabrina and I drooled over my Farrah puzzle with the red bathingsuit and erect nipples and just enough cleavage, perfect pearly white toothed smile, the eyes, legs - one knee up, arm resting on the knee, head thrown back just enough for the curls to fall perfectly, and ...oooohhh my bad, Sorry I digressed.

So, I am watching this more often now and basically just watch for my favorite episodes - like Kelly getting shot. Well some episodes stick out as being particularly lesbianese. The Angels in prison episode - HELLO MATRON and the naked shower scene! And now the Spa episode - the all women spa with a bunch of lesbian types trying to give Kelly a physical, hypnotizing her, massaging, sauning, etc. Big burly women. And then there's Bri...doo doo do! (sing that to the Maude theme song).

Upon further reflection there was a lot of lesbianese stuff going on in this show that I clearly subconsciously picked up as a child. Forget blaming catholic school, Sr. Rosemary, Leon, or playing softball...its all Aaron Spelling's fault!


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