Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Freakin' Satchmo

My beautiful big brazen boy Satchmo. He is so cute and loveable but let me tell you I am ready to throw this boy out. Well, that's no punishment because he is jonzing to get out. He is scratching all my screens, jumping long and far distances over my body and through the smallest cracks and crevaces to get outside. I keep bringing him back in. I need to be on my toes with this one. A baby will be much much easier than this friggin beastula.

Y'all know that I am sort of OCD and anal. I have order to my chaos. One piece of the order is located on my coffee table. Papers, magazines, comics and books are stacked in order of medium, receipt date, and size within genre. This makes of course for a pile from largest to smallest. The smallest being Janet Evanovich's Plum Lovin', which I have bookmarked but not read. On the same table is a mirror, a friendship circle candle, and a baby basketball. Oh right, and piece of miscellaneous mail and coaster.

Satch, being curious and a royal PITA, gets up and sprawls out on top of EVERYTHING. Then because I am paying no attention to him, he starts looking at me and then nudging things slowly off the table. Like a friggin little kid. Pushing everything off the table as though I cannot see him. or because I can see him. And all I can do is watch in amazement and laugh my ass off. Hysterical. It is co cute but I want to knife him for f'ing with my order!!


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