Idol: The Men and the Rejects!
Taylor Hicks - excellent. definite pitch problems but LORD can he stop with the Whoos with the head thing. It is on my last nerve - although if it is turrets or something I do apologize.
Elliot - Excellent song. I cannot believe he hit all those riffs successfully. He was awesome. and I like that he just dresses normally.
Ace - Gads I cannot stand to look at those bushy eyebrows and I want to stick that beanie up his arse. I see the appeal with the young girls but he needs to get some originality. Just because you wear a beanie does not mean that we cannot figure out that you want to be Constatine.
Gedeon - ROCKED tonight. I cannot believe he pulled this song off and he had such a good time. I do not really like him but he can actually sing.
Chicken Little - Kevin - I am not sure he was on key at all and I still can't figure out why he is still on but he was cute with his little trying to be cool self.
Sway - Overjoyed. Oversung. Thank god he is over!
Will - Lady. Honestly he would have been better if he chose a classic like Islands in the Stream and sung the Dolly Parton version.
Bucky - He is annoying to look at and who can understand any of the words emitted from his voice? But he can rock out and I think he will be in the final 4.
Crooner David - I despise this kid and am DONE looking at his weird mug (unlike looking at Paula's cleavage which is rockin!). He is actually awful - there is nothing redeeming about him at all.
Chris - the rocker. I love him. He is cute, and totally loves to sing which comes out. He doesn't necessarily pick songs that I know (which by the way IS a hidden requirement that most forget) but he ROCKS!!
If Ryan says throwing it down one more time I will puke.
Leon's top 6 include: Paris, Mendisa, Chris, Taylor, Bucky, and that sultry freaky guy. With the top 4 being men.
I have to put my girl Kathy in the mix. Mendiza, Paria, Kathy, Bucky, Taylor, Chris.
The Goodbyes.....
The group song has got to go at this point. Especially those blonde girls. gads. Too many bad people in it. AND WHAT IS PARIS WEARING? Are those spandex workout shorts with a flashdance top? Plinker, pickler whatever - hate her. Where is mendiza - HOLY CRAP. She is a big girl. I love that she got her grove on with that outfit - I think now I can wear things like that. She's opened the door for the big girl - maybe. The closeups in the camera are horrible because it looks like they are looking into a peephole. They ruined the song for me.
The girls do weird things - namely, weird outfits, weirder songs, weird head moves, dances, etc. Anyway. Who is going tonight?
Carrie Underwood was she really the winner? That was horrible.
Heather should have been kicked off because of the crinkle perm alone. Honestly. Hero? That was a mistake! Clearly! I liked Kannik's sass but she really could not sing and the Thelma Hopkins wannabe didn't work. The Crooner should have sang the love boat theme song - that might have gotten him another week. And I'm so over Sway so I am glad he is gone.
Well, that's it folks.
One question: What you gonna do with all that junk all that junk inside your trunk? What a great Black Eye Peas song. If you haven't listened to Elephunk or Monkey Business by them please let me know. Deb Funke does a great rendition of several MB songs.
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