Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Friday, July 07, 2006

Why you shouldn't lie to Children - Reason 1148

Today I received a call on my cell phone from my 6 (almost 7) year old nephew DJ. I answer thinking its his mom and he says "hi aunt karen." I of course was sooo excited because the kids never call me and he told me all about the movie Hoodwinked. Said it was hysterical and gave me a verbal recounting of one of the characters swallowing a camera and all the noises that he makes while the camera is in the stomach. CUTE! The movie synopsis ends and I say well, is that the only reason you called...thinking perhaps that his mom needed to talk to me. He then gets that cute but getting annoying because he is getting older baby voice and he asks me "aunt karen, I want to know how you got your powers."

Now there are two problems...
First, when he was like 3 or 4 I had one of those superimpose my head on spiderman's body pictures done at Universal Studios. Of course he thought, because he was a baby, and of course I encouraged, because I am a big kid, the notion that I was in fact Spiderman. Yes, many of you know this story. However, now he wants to see the web (so, I point to some bizare tendon split in my wrist and tell him that is where it shoots out); and today he needs to know where my powers come from. I tell him "it took years of training and lots of suffering." What else could I say? I lied to you! NO! Then I ramble about being at work, thanks for calling, I love you, bye. Good lord. I need to tell this kid that I am not spiderman. How is this going to happen? Webapause is the best possible solution. I can give some long explanation about weight gain which means I can't inch into the skin tight suit, and maybe the afro will start peeking through the spidey mask, that the web dries up, and the carpel tunnel makes it hard to climb buildings, and frankly the boobs are in the way of repelling from tree to building to skyscraper. UGH! HE WILL BE HEARTBROKEN. Who am I kidding - I am HEARTBROKEN! And not only over the fact that I cannot be spidey for him, or me. ok just me.

Second, I take full responsibility for the mid-morning call. Why? It seems I may have taught him how to "lift" the cell phone from his mother on the 4th of July. I didn't mean to do it, but I am NOSEY as well all know and she had one of those pink Razor phones and she had little beads bedazzled all over the cover. And I needed to first mock her, second, play with it and of course finally, I had to add some pictures of myself to the picture ID. And after DJ complained he couldnt call people on the phone I said - well get mommy's cell phone and call me ANYTIME. And so he did.

I am fully responsible for this kid's future therapy and unnatural obsession with superheros. I admit that. This is probably a good indication that I should not make things up, should not lie to kids, and perhaps I should infact put the kabosh on the growing underground little known notion that I am the second coming. Not sure who I am the second coming for but it is either great and will lead to my eternal salvation - or I'll be rockin' in hell with the rest of y'all.

later gators.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The next thing y'know, someone will be circulating a rumor that Santa Claus was not a real human being, that the Tooth Fairy was ficticious and that the Easter Bunny was not chocolate. Good gracious, Spidey, you may have outgrown the suit and your carpel tunnel may have spoiled your chances at shooting webs worthy of climbing buildings, but you can surely still pin a yarn capable of lifting the spirits of the people in your life.

6:53 AM  
Blogger Kar said...

This is from a friend and although she didn't post herself, I am taking the liberty of forwarding. GREAT!!!

Aunties are not the second coming??????

Aren't we the ones who will always play.

Aren't we the ones who will have no problem acting crazy with them just so they do that giggle thing that they do.

Aren't we the ones who will plop their asses down at the waters edge on a beach so that the waves will hit them just so - so the waves will not hit them in the head.

Aren't we the ones who will stand knee-hi in the sound and say "run to me and I will swing you into the water"....only to figure out after 2 times of this - that it was not really a good idea to swing 33lbs over your head....because eventually, you will fall to your knees, while holding said child above your head, trying not to drop them into the ocean.

Tell him there is no Santa;.
Tell him there is no tooth fairy.
Tell him there is no Easter Bunny.
Hell- Tell him there is no Great Pumpkin.

But - DO NOT - tell him you are not Spiderman....Get some silly string and put it up your sleeve. If that doesn't work just tell him that after the age of 21, the web dried out and the stickyness that allows you to climb buildings wore out.....:-) Not a lie.....just a strong imagination.....it's real in your head - right?

9:24 PM  
Blogger Kar said...

Sparky came up with a solution to my problem. Pretty ingenious if you ask me. Definitely going to take this advice and add in my own spin on the dreaded Legion of Doom! Thanks JR!

9:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I didn't know you weren't really Spidey, now what am I going to do? Next thing you know someone is going to tell me that Democracy is dead and Twinkies are made in China.
I can't deal with all this reality stuff. I expect to see you swinging from the trees down the pond at the party, just watch out for the Great Blue Heron nest in the pine tree.

6:30 PM  

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