Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Monday, October 02, 2006

Once Upon A Time There Were Three Little Girls Who Went to the Police Academy

What a show! Thankfully God listened to me - so its been 20 years - but finally Charlie's Angels is back on TV. Sure its on PAX, a pseudo-christian (wait is there anything pseudo about it?) channel. But who cares, its on. I do not think my watching it means that I will become a right winger. I think Spelling Industries made a deal - you only get 7th Heaven (which by the way is back on in new episodes on some station like I or something) if you take Charlie's Angels. Now, perhaps some ignoramous with his head in the sand said - 7th Heaven AND an Angel show on the Pax network - Praise Jesus! And now is fired or stoned to death. Regardless, the angels are on. The only unfortunate thing is that I tape too maky shows and the ONLY nights I can tape are Mon, Wed, and Friday. I love this show. It is soooo schlockie and bad but I am in LOVE with them all. Even Farrah. YUM!

Get this.... we (being my CA posse)got a shout out at a wedding this weekend. Our neighbor Matt got married this weekend and his bro Frank gave the best man speech and talked about playing Charlie's Angels with the girls. He had to be Bosley, Tom Bosley. Of course Ann and I were hysterical because Frank and my sis were Bosley and Charlie so that we didn't have to play with them. I mean honestly Charlie was a voice in a box and a sexist pig who was basically uninvolved and Bosley, Tom Bosley, was was the drunk chauefeur (sp) straight man. We had all the action. Have I mentioned my patented Sabrina Duncan roll with the stand and freeze ending? yeah, I am sure I have.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. CA is on every weeknight at 9:00 on the "I" network, previously known as PAX. I am a little disappointed in the choppy editing.

2. 7th Heaven is on the new "CW" network, the morphed UPN & WB network.

3. The name was not Tom Bosley. It was Bosley, John Bosley. Tom Bosley was Mr. C. on Happy Days.

Your fellow 70's tv afficionado peep.

2:45 PM  

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