I will not be trifled with!
Happy New Year My Peeps! Another year is gone! It was a good and painful year. I wish some of the people we lost were still with us. But no matter how hard we try, who we pray to, or how much we love - we cannot obliterate death. Fate has a way of changing the direction of our lives, putting us on a different path, giving us some bumps, new people enter, loved ones leave. We laugh, cry, suffer, grieve. But we persevere.
We do remain, mostly, masters of our Fate and twisters of our souls - we have the best intentions of changing our patterns, decisions, and lives. We all had the best intentions in 2006, 1999, 1982, and probably every year of our lives to adhere to the resolutions we make, all those things that we believe will change our life for the better. Most involve conforming to notions of body image (joining a gym is not the same as going to the gym); sin (I will not covet my neighbor's wife, envy my friend's 65 mustang, or stick my face in a bag of peanut M&Ms in a gluttonous fashion); and self help (why do I spend so much money, and I should be heart smart, eat more oatmeal and less crap).
Whatever your resolutions, make sure they are about you and no one else. Knowing yourself is far more powerful in the great scheme of things than changing yourself to fit someone else's mold - someone else's notions of who you are or who you should be. Figure it out in 2007. Dump the losers - don't take the crap - and love and respect yourself.
My personal motto for 2007 is "I will not be trifled with!" We'll see where it takes me.
May peace, love, serenity, health, happiness, and laughter find a home in your soul in 2007.
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