Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Final Idol

Since Melinda left I have not been impressed. Ok that's only a week but the song choices were not great this week. Jordin rocked of course but it was not phenomenal.

So far the final episode is not as hot as last year. Gwen was gwen - talented of course and I love the song but just snoreville. Kelly - vamp with that song. The song is not so great and I love Kelly. I adore Kelly. but yikes.

The guys singing together in all white with Eye Lift Smokey was pretty good. I forgot that kid with the afro was in the final. I cannot believe Sanjaya is actually better now than he was then - which is a good thing.

The awards to the hopefuls was annoying. Ryan is annoying.

Blake and Doug E Fresh was good if you like beat box - actually it was good all around. He is talented in his genre.

The top siz girls are just hot. Sister friend needs to remember that she is not beyonce. And Lekisha brought it more here than on the friggin show. Gladys Knight looks beautiful. Probably lifted too but she looks great and can still sing. Melinda needs to hook up with Gladys. Big time. I need to hook up some Gladys Knight on the ipod - something other than Midnight Train to Georgia which is pretty tight. And here we go...mmmmmm LA proved too much for the man. So he's living a life he's come to knowwwwwwhooooo. Rock on Melinda. KiKi (I tried to make this my nighname but it lasted about two days - maybe a week) rockin out too. Melinda looks so scared but maybe she is just in awe of Ms. Knight.

Justin Guarini is in the audience - notice how he is never asked to sing anything. Constantine is just frightening. Tony Bennet is still alive? Lord. Paula - honestly, I know she was injured tripping over her pomperanian (ok made up the breed) Tulip - but she is such a space cadet. Rock on Tony! He's great for a corpse.

Jennifer Hudson looks beautiful. I miss David Allen Grier. Its just mean to bring back the Lemur and his friend - clearly they are disabled. Why are they poking fun of them?

Melinda Doolittle and BB and CC. WTF? She used to do back up for them? I thouhgt that you couldn't have done anything that professional. BB and CC look GREAT! Sound a little old plus the Christian rock sort of tweaks me but Praise Jesus - give me an Amen and hold up that light! Hey, do you think having that kind of faith keeps you looking young and happy like bb and cc?

Jennifer Love Hewitt's new commercial is cute. I no longer despise her since her new new show. I need a new mustang! I really do.

Carrie Underwood is so very hot and I really love this song and now am balling. Krissie Hine does a great version too but Carrie just rocks. I'll Stand By You. She could honestly play barbara mandrell in the movie.

Teri Hatcher is crying - at least its not David Hasstlehoff who of course is in the audience as well.

How cute are these kids - freaking adorable. So Cute! Of course Angelina and Brad have already adopted them all. Since they didn't have parents from whom to steal them, madonna was out for the new family.

Sanjaya and Joe Perry from Aerosmith! Whatever I may have said earlier about him being better now than during the competition was just refuted when he opened his mouth and was forced to sing alone and for a long period of time. Perry can still play. GREAT JACKET! That little girl needs to maybe get some therapy - lots of it. What am I missing - he is not sexy.

Green Day. Ok I dig on some of their songs especially Good Riddance. But this was just too dark and annoying - I know I know its all for John Lennon's foundation to aid Darfur and of course I will buy the album but it was kind of painful.

July 13th - Harry Potter - Order of the Phoenix!

Taylor Hicks - I am suprised that I missed him. I haven't even listened to the album Leon made me. Decent song - it is sooo him, especially with the harmonica and his crazy running and jumping and ticky thing.

Jordin and Rubeun Studdard. Holy mackeral. Rubeun looks good - and sounds the bomb still. They sound unbelievable together. And unbelievable in a great way. Does the stoned Velvet Teddybear know that she is 17! I miss him too. Awesome - someone should release that song. I would love to do that duet with someone. Lee we could sing this instead of Leather and Lace - which now that I think about it was kind of creepy for us to be singing that together. whatever.

I love Brad Garrett.

Bette Midler - WTF? I ADORE HER MORE THAN KELLY> She looks GREAT. OH BETTE! Bathouse Bette. AWWWW! I was just about to write about how this year's finale sucksass because it didn't top last year and then came Bette. Ok it still doesn't top last year but here is Bette. This Beaches song is played though - she should have done Do You Wanna Dance or Mambo Italiano but what do I know. Randy and Paula dancing was nice. Bette is going back on tour. Jerry Springer crying - pathetic.

At this point the only way to top last year would be for Cher to walk out. Or Donny and Marie singing Little Bit Country. Or Barry Manilow coming out for a duet with Bette.

HOT song with Kelly and Steve Perry doing Sgr. Peppers. Kelly is a big girl and shouldn't be in that little hot belly shirt hip hugger shoing that ass outfit ..forget what I said she looks total throw down. I need a version of this song. She is TOTALLY eating humble pie for her dissing AI on the grammy's last year. Her agent must have told her to make it up to her fans by appearing on AI not once, not twice, but three times. Hicks doing that song - the bomb! I need it. Carrie's not that hot - tough circusey song. Rubeun's was tough too. The chorus on both songs was much better than the refrains. KiKis's girls are trying to get out of their holsters.

Why did only the top 3 sing with someone. It was not great. I am sorry I convinced Janet to watch. Sorry Janet. This actually stunk. I'm glad I watched it on DVR so I could fast forward through everything.

Wait - the fucking show must have gone way over time because my tape just ran out. I am calling Leon right now and he just told me Jordin won! HOW did this happen. Are you kidding me? I love the ending. Lee, please bring the dvd on Saturday because I need to see the last few minutes.


Tuesday, May 15, 2007

My friends are all foodies

Its no suprise that like me, my friends are all foodies. You heard the hot dog side story. Now something else happened and I almost peed in my pants over this story. Imagine it...Connecticut 2007.

A Friend is lying in bed watching the tele. Of course she needs a little something to nosh on. Sleep takes her over. Minutes perhaps hours later her husband comes to bed and settles in for the night until he gets up to use the facilities. Upon his return he notices something weirdly sticky in the bed. So, he does what any dude might do, he slept on top of the sheets.

The next morning husband gets up, and recalls that there was something sticky in the bed so he investigates and calls his wife.

"Were you eating something in bed last night"
"umm well....."
"are you sure you weren't eating something perhaps with chocolate and caramel."
"well, I was eating milk duds."
"well you dropped one and I was sleeping in it."

The funniest thing is to picture the face on my friend when confronted on eating in bed. Like - oh man I'm busted! Funny!

Final 3

First of all - its 9000 degrees in my house and boo and satch are basically melted.

Next, I just cannot stand Ryan.

Jordin - I adore her and she is just absolutely beautiful. I relly think that she is the american idol - she could cross over completely just like Kelly.The first song was great, the second was much more fun - how can you not rock out to Donna Summer? I have nothing! I love you! THE BOMB!!!

Blake - I am biased against him and really find the beat boxing old at this point. Roxanne? Horrible. The second song sounded off beat the whole time. This love, ok now its better at the chorus. He is a screamer as well. I find it difficult to see Blake being successful as the american idol and frankly I see him more like Rubeun, that is he has a niche and might be successful there but nothing crossing over. I also see him as having an ego too big to listen to randy's comments about sticking to this kind of song. I love Thicke's song. Not as good as the original but he looked like he was having fun. Poor song choice though.

Melinda (or as leon calls her Shrek) is amazingly talented. Her first song was awesome - just awesome. I often forget that I love that song, must download into itunes. Ike and Tina - GREAT choice for her. She should be doing more Tina. FRIGGIN AWESOME! I hope she is singing with Tina in the final - how tight would that be? She could win - she is just so awesome. Again, not sure of the cross over. Her grammy is so cute. Bring home the bacon - AGAIN THE BOMB! She could sing the phone book to the tune of this song and I would listen to it over and over. RAD!

The homophobic comments that ryan constantly makes drives me absolutely crazy.

Lee, I love you and know that Blake is your second husband (well after hootie and phil collins, and the men at work guy) but I think that the final will be Melida and Jordin! Janet, I hate to say it but I really think if tonight had any bearing Melinda got it.

I voted 5 times for Jordin but totally couldn't handle the continuous redial.