Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Kar Goes Camping

I can barely contain myself. I went camping. Outside. Slept on the ground. With the bugs. And creatures. And serial killers. And drunk strangers apt to puke. Can you imagine? ME! Kar! Camping!

It was awesome. Friends organized the event. Naturally, I was apprehensive and freaking out. What with Freddy, Jason, and Michael Myers cooking up some serial plan to murder me. And those pesky frogs exacting their revenge upon me for the 1976 stepingonial killing one of their species. Or is it genus? Kingdom? Whatever. The stars were against me as I set out on this trip. Not to mention the fact that I knew only 10percent of the people on the trip and that I had never done more camping than sleeping outside (for 10 minutes) in my Love American Style sleeping bag which Leon stole from me when I was 10. Anyway, not a camper.

So, I pack - ok overpack - for the weekend. Shorts, bathing suit, flannel, sweats, hoodie, tanks, and tshirts. And the travel bag with antacids, aleve, benedryl, anti-itch cream, allergy pills, travel toilet paper, and of course the regular toilitries. I bought lots of beverages, some snacks, and an airmattress. I brought my trusty swiss army knife and my 4 iron golf club just in case I needed to defend my tent from the above referenced marauders.

I arrive at Kettletown State Park and find some sense of serenity as I drive up and then all is dashed as I arrived just in time to erect the tent. I wasn't much help in this regard but boy can I pump up an air mattress. I threw on the flannel sheets and unrolled the borrowed, rated to minus two, sleeping bag. Slowly over the course of the night the rest of our people arrived. There were maybe 25 of us there. It was the bomb! I cannot go into many details but we ate lots of food - Chris makes a bangin french toast and the bomb potato salad. We were definitely spoiled with the food - bacon and eggs and french toast for breakfast. Hot dogs, and burgers and chicken for lunch. And steak and shrimp for dinner.
Something tells me that this is not normal camping fare.

The first night it rained, thundered, and lightning (did I mention I cannot spell this word since misspelling and therfore disappointing Mrs. Cochran in the 5th grade) and it was the BOMB to sleep. Perfect weather. Even with the 8 year old climbing my back all night. Saturday I kayaked and finished Harry Potter - THE BOMB! I cried from the moment Harry met Neville through the end of the tome.
Word on the street is that she is thinking of writing a pre-harry series. We shall see. Played a few games, ate, and slept. Sunday was a breakfast and packing up.

I am a camping convert and cannot wait to go again. HEY! And I even saw a salamander which was black with purple stripey things. He was cute. Way cute. I cannot say whether or not I would have freaked out and not been able to sleep. However, we saw it at the end of the trip.

Why was this amazing. First, I had zero anxiety. Of course I didn't really dig on peeing in the facilities or showering in something that looked far worse than the showers we had in high school. But, no woods anxiety. Next, I truly relaxed and didn't think about work or the class I am teaching starting one week from today, and the syllabus for which students are complaining right and left! I also just had a good time doing things I like to do (read and kayak and eat and chill with peeps old and new). I also found myself trying out new things - example: there was a rope swing on the kayaking journey. I pulled the kayak over, encouraged the rest of the gang to do so, and got out. I NEVER GET OUT of the kayak especially in non pool water. I hoisted myself up on the rope and started to swing. Well, swing isn't quite right. To truly swing, one needs to actually get some air time. I however got none. Sure the kids were swinging all over the place and all kinds of high. And I felt like I was attempting to water ski, sans skis, by a boat that was pulled by an overweight large mouthed bass. It was fun though.

I left and was estatic because of the serenity and fabulous time I had. I came home, mowed the grass, cleaned the house, and grocery shopped. I survived the camping weekend and was ready to crawl into a hot hot shower. So, I get in the shower and stay there for maybe 30 minutes. In all my worries, I forgot to worry about the dreaded slippery tub. I dry one leg and while doing so, the other slides out from under me and I found myself hipfirst in the bottom of the tub. Thankfully nothing was broke as there was no way EMS was going to get into my house and get my naked ass out of that tub. I can barely touch the spot without pain and suffering. But who cares! Life is Good!

So, my friends, get your ass to a campsite.


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