Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Crap. I'm old.

I am a car jammer. I play my music loud. I sing and I dance. I have several driver's seat car routines. My favorite is to Cher's Take Me Home. My cousin Lyn tells me that I would have been perfect for that show where they secretly bug someone's car and they tape you being all the fool while you sing and dance and talk to people while in your car. And boy would I have been if someone only put my name in the hat Lyn!!!

Anyway, I like my car concerts. So, I realized the other day while driving that I am an old person. Almost 40. What the heck! How did that happen? When exactly did I stop jammin to Prince? Wham? When did I stop longing to be a big haired gal and stop air guitaring to Aerosmith, Guns and Roses and Cinderella? Why in the hell did Pat Benetar, the Go-Gos and Cyndi Lauper stop playing in my Subaru.

And of course I think I am all kinds of cool - still. Singing with the windows rolled down the warm air flowing in the car, and the stero on full volume. I'm used to people looking at me but who gives a rat's ass, I am a SUPERSTAR!

A superstar who is now jamming not to CSN, Dave Matthews, U2, or even the Indigo Girls...but instead, jamming to the Carpenters' A Kind of Hush. CAN YOU IMAGINE! At that moment when the little hottie next to me gave me that look like WHA?! I said oh shit - I'm old. Well, I'm not only old but sort of pathetic in that F'd up I am listening to Dolly Parton on repeat kind of way. Although I do a kick ass version of Islands in the Stream - so what I have to play it twice so that the first time I do Dolly and the second to Kenny. Whatthefuckever.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i so know what your talk about and
how you feel. lol rosie

6:29 PM  

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