Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Peeing with laughter

Check out Leon's comments on the AI post. Powder. FUNNY! I am peeing my pants oh yeah and crying over Carrie's version of Stand by you. Can't wait to get to work ......uh um get to my other accessible computer to down load it and listen to it on repeat.

Check out the commercial with the song "Marie." A guy goes to the work fridge and there is a case of diet coke with "marie" on a sticky note. Great DC ad. Who hasn't bogarted someone else's bevies from the fridge. Well, not me.


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