Evilla No More
It is official ladies and gents - I am evilla no more. At least when it comes to assembling home furniture. Why you ask. Jdog and I went on an ikea shopping spree and came home with multiple items needing assembly. I warned her. I did. I warned her on the drive. I warned her in the store. I warned her on the drive home. My rants, my moments of angered silence, my irate muteness, is notorious. Who hasn't faced the evilla side of me? Ok some of you. Jdog got some of it when she moved in - I mentioned my three break downs and one panic attack. right? Wait, I don't think I did. Well, move in day was two weeks ago. We started late but started. I was starved and went into a low blood sugar silence - EVILLA! We got food. We borrowed a truck and took maybe 2 hours to pack a portion of jdog's things - furniture, PANIC ATTACK THAT IT WAS HAPPENING, clothes, almost everything but books (we need more bookshelves), kitchenware (I need to organize and donate my stuff - although we did buy some great cast iron pans), and something else that I cannot quite remember. But more of her things are at our house than her apartment. So, that's good. Anyway, 2 hours packing, 30 minutes loading, a 45 minute drive, and 10 minutes of unloading - it was at this point that my blood sugar hit a low low low and I became C***ZILLA. I think jdog asked me if i wanted something to eat. I was silent. she asked what was wrong and i snapped - I'm hungry! - then back 45 minutes to return truck, have dinner with parents, load the forrester, and unpack again. Around midnight I became so tired I was cranky. But alas, we were able to sleep in our co-tenant bliss.
Back to the story - so, I warn jdog of how douchy I can be when putting things together, fixing things, etc. We get home, make sure we eat cause we know I am bitchzilla without it, pop in Hairspray and get to work. I gotta tell you, this was the BOMB. The best installment process ever! EVER! We were like a finely oiled machine. We put that shit together well. Of course there was some bracketing system we forgot to buy but that is the little stuff. And so what nothing is fully up yet - its ok. I didn't freak out, kill jdog or injur myself. AND, everything was put together correctly. So, joy of joys!
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