Another Marathon
Have I mentioned that I am doing the Oaklahoma City Half Marathon? Yeah, I'm doing it. Eric ran it last year and was so moved he signed up for it again and signed me, his wife, and his daughter for the half marathon.
We have 6 hours until they take away the finish line. Barring getting knocked down by the runners, or crushed to death by the wheel chair racers, or being blinded by the tears as the survivors of the bombing cheer us on, or maybe getting swept up in a tornado that is bound to find me in the middle of that vast open flatass land they call oaklahoma, or maybe getting stuck in my bike shorts as I try to hurry up and pee in the portapotty while desparately trying not to touch anything cause I didnt put any purell in my fanny pack and someone just pooped on the seat and i am about to hurl. well barring any of that we should finish in plenty of time!
wish me luck. Oh and no money for this one but the MS walk is on May 4th - or as I like to say Quatro De Mayo!
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