Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Gone Baby Gone

I saw Gone Baby Gone. Now this was a tricky one as I cannot take Ben Afleck. I truly think he is one of the worst actors. And the last thing I saw casey in wasn't so hot either. But I buy into the academy actually knowing what they are talking about when they recommend a movie for an oscar.

I know I shouldn't trust them - what with Unforgiven, and the piece de resistance - DISSING HAIRSPRAY this year. And still I believe them so I loaded up Netflix with all these blockbuster oscar nominees. And so came Gone Baby Gone. It was a bit slow. But I think that Ben found his niche - behind the camera not in front. He did a decent job producing the film. The screenplay could have used a bit of a jump in parts and I would not have cast Casey or his wife but it was a good movie. I loved the twists and I really didn't see it coming until they started laying it out for me (or is it lying it out for me). Anyway, this was a good film.

The film is set in Boston - shock. and Casey and his wife are detectives for hire. They are hired by locals to find a kidnapped girl. There are kidnappings througout the city and there are leads. Mom of the girl is a drug addict and stole from a drug lord. so we don't know who does the kidnapping. Good movie. Must see. I have three movies home now - Into The Wild (about that supercilious kid who thought he could survive in alaska with an old shot gun - didn't work), in the land of Eljah with Tommy Lee Jones, and August Rush which I am told I cannot and should not watch on my own because it is likely to push some buttons. Once I finally get to watch them, I will let you know.


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