Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Monday, July 24, 2006

Isn't a Vasectomy the same as a neutering?

Trixie brought up a curious inquiry although I do not think she meant it. Apparently she has been thinking that a vasectomy was the same as neutering a cat or dog. Sorry, Trix, balls are for people not for neutered cats. Funny!

As you can imagine, this prompted a denegration in the conversation. The distinction between neutering and spaying (thank you Bob Barker), vasectomies vs. neutering, Hermaphradites vs. eunics, and various other part chopping and removing subjects.

It also prompted a bunch of lesbians to sit around pondering whether or not my little Satchmo actually had a penis. Now I understand the distinction between a vasectomy and spaying and neutering. I also know the difference between boy and girl cats, as I have both. Apparently, however, since I did not ever see or feel Satch's pee-pee, his manhood came into question. I was accused of having a vet that didn't know whether he removed balls from my cat, or from sexing too soon, and my general mental state was once again questioned by my peeps. Not bad enough I am accused of not being able to complete a crossword. So what Saturday gives me issues - WHATEVER! Anyway, although I did not pinch and prod, or coax Satchmo's parts out of their little hiding place, I did confirm with Dr. Doolittle herself, and confirmed the maleness of Satch. Case closed...its a boy!

Plus, I've never seen a girl cat sit the way my boy does.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


10:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok,this is like people asking me if a hen can lay eggs if there is no rooster. Yes, they can lay eggs with or without a rooster. The difference? No rooster no baby chicks, just omlets. We have six male cats all neutered, no balls but the rest of the equipment is fine and one is still able to have, shall we say, intimate relations, with one of the other male cats. Gay household all the way.

10:03 PM  

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