Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Germaphobia takes a new life

Can you be germaphobic against yourself? Why you ask, well as I was typing on another blog, I sneezed. And mid sneeze my brain froze and I forgot what to do so I had a little spasm and couldn't cover my mouth (why would I stop typing to do so?), couldn't keep it closed (it was one of those from your toes sneezes) or turn my head (i was focused on my writing). Instead, I let loose and it was perhaps the nastiest thing I have ever done....well, but for one time, at band camp. Actually, it wasn't really band or a real camp but involved the woods and well, its too much to detail here.


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