Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Oscars

Let me comment on some Oscar moments:

1. Ellen D! Wow! She can be so funny - and with Carol Leifer and Carrie Fisher as part of the writing team who could go wrong? Some things were funny others just bombed. And, I am not quite sure who dressed her. I am all for the velvet jacket, outfit, etc. Its so Partridge Family - and so I understand it. But the wine colored velvet witht he piping looked more like a jogging suit than a tailored $8,000 suit - the white was not much better - and then came the final outfit. Sans jacket did mean we saw some cameltoe. yikes!
2. I was happy to see Jody Foster - love her but not in love with the new do. Shane from L-Word could play her in the movie. Sort of. Penelope Cruz, Helen Mirren, Mary from 7th Heaven, QUEEN latifah all looked great. Marky Mark I love as you know. Peter O'Toole looked like his eyes were stapled open. It was sort of frightening to me. Waxman Cometh!
3. Jennifer Hudson - ROCKED the house in Dreamgirls and absolutely deserved to win. She outblew Beyonce - out acted (wait, that is not hard given that Beyonce cannot really act at all - but she could throw her afro around and scream SHAZAM!).
4. Alan Arkin - was absolutely hysterical in Little Miss Sunshine. If you haven't seen this movie you must see it. I must own it. I have not, in a very long time, seen a movie that made me laugh so hard that I started crying and hyperventilating. I laughed at the end of this movie for about 15 minutes and thought I needed 911. CUTE film. Eddie could have won but Alan was funny and he's old and maybe doesn't have many more films left. Eddie can pull out a few more - especially if there's another Coming to America
5. Departed as best movie was right on. I loved DreamGirls but so many people are so not into the musical performance. I love the musical performance and so loved it. But Departed was F'd up in that dramatic sociological F'dupedness of the movie. Dark. Suspenseful. Great great acting by all , although Alec Baldwin makes me crazy. I thought that Leo DiCapprio deserved an award for Departed but alas was not nominated.
6. I cannot wait for Hairspray to come out - John Travolta, Queen Latifah, Michelle Pfeiffer, Amanda Baines. This summer!
7. Next year I must be better at seeing ALL the movies up for nomination - this year was horrible in that regard. Alas, the Oscars wait for noone!


As I was rushing home to catch Jeopardy I got stuck behind every jankass drivers. The first pulled out in front of me. As I was cursing the first, I found myself behind a van. Typically vans are a mistake - you should avoid them if you can. Why? Well sometimes there are a million kids in that van and all kinds of family equipment which means distracted driver. Sometimes it means old people are inside. Old people who want to get to the CVS, grocery store, doctor's appointment, or heaven forbid Bingo. This particular van was red and slow and sported a bumper sticker that merely said John 3:16. Given my state of mind I assumed the sticker meant something like Blessed are the slow on the road. Or, the Lord came down and smote those trying to run me off the road because of my inability to approach the speed limit. OR better - Lord, despite the fact that I know exactly what I do, I know you will forgive my unrepentent soul when I slam my car into the rear end of this slowass van with the religious bumper sticker.

I learned tonight that there are a number of religious/bible sites. I also learned that the verse from some version of the bible may or may not say: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life unless they cursed a slow driver on the road."

Monday, February 12, 2007

Cinnamon Rolls, 10K run, Mardi Gras Parade, UConn Win, and LSU Softball!

What a weekend. I took a much needed mini-vacation to visit Eric in Baton Rouge. I was a little distressed that it was not going to be 78 degrees and warm but I could not wait to get there. You've read the report from yesterday - so you know about the Mardi Gras Mambo. Saturday afternoon we decided that it was too risky to head to New Orleans although that was our original plan. The violence has been too sporadic and the gangs have moved back into town and have taken things to the next level. Instead, we ran some errands, and picked up a late lunch. Then we headed to my first ever Mardi Gras Parade.

Youdda thunk that I was about 10 years old. I was giddy over the idea that I could catch plastic beads on strings which were thrown by people on massive floats dressed sort of like Klanspeople. But, traditions hold fast as do costumes etc. This was the Kreme Orion Parade and it was cool. There were lots of people - lots of kids, lots of aggressive people. The floats were cool - they were huge and people were on top of the floats throwing beads, coins, stuffed animals, spears (ok they just handed these over), cups and footballs. Now the football caused me some consternation. Why? Well I did not realize the importance of getting and keeping each item caught. I also didn't realize that it is all a game. Some kid tried to get a football - the inexperienced little bit was unable to handle the force at which the football (foam) was thrown, plus she didn't really have a good grip or angle. Anyway, I was able to follow and pick up the rolling ball. And then it hit me, I was taking this away from a KID. and I gave it up! What is that? What a freaky move. This is not about age! It doesn't matter if you are competing against a 89 year old amputee veteran or a blind 3 year old - you just swipe those beads or football out of their hands. Who knew!? But its custom. Its expected.

This mardi gras thing is also not about sobriety as I was almost killed by some drunkass bafoon who plowed into me for a set of beads with a very cool medallion. The drunk fool took my prize. Despite my ploy to make eye contact and connect with the krewe throwing the free stuff off the float - I did not leave with one football or medallioned set of beads. I do however, have a mardi gras bag, some cups, coins, and about 15lbs of beads. Mardi Gras Mambo Queen!

And then came Sunday! We had prepped (ok not we, eric) home made cinnamon rolls on Saturday night. I woke to the smell of cinnamon rolls and coffee. OH MY GOD - to die for. I have the recipie and will try them one day. We chilled with the paper, hung a doggie door, and drank coffee. We changed, grabbed some tacos and headed to the game. OH YEAH! Did you see that Game! We had good seats and sat next to another UC fan - although she was sort of weird but clearly knew the game and the players and so she was a true blue fan. Great game. AND we were able to catch an LSU softball game - great game. It was 65degrees and perfect softball weather although I was getting chilly in my tshirt. Anyway it was great to watch the game and the winning hit was a grand slam. I need to play - badly and will try to get the cages this weekend.

We did sort of get screwed with movies this weekend:
1. Ice Age 2: the meltdown. So ridiculous that we didn't make it more than 30 minutes.
2. Banditas with penelope cruz and selma hayek. This comedy took place in Me-he-co! Penelope was a peasant girl (shock) and Selma was a refined member of high society who was Educated in Europe. Her papa Don Diego was swindled and murdered (gasp) by Dwight Yokam who can really play creepy - who was the gringo hoodlum representing a bank in Nuevo York. The women - tagged the banditas (hence the name) were exacting revenge on this man and this bank by robbing banks. they were excellent at it and more inspired when they found the forensic scientist and they both had a crush on him. The movie taught me that corsets can really give you great cleavage; education can really teach you to properly rob a bank; these two can be great together in other more serious roles; and sometimes I should not let the hope of a relationship cloud my judgment re: shutting off a movie.
3. Joueux Noel (spelling? it means Joyous Christmas in some other language). War movie in three languages - english (with appropriate accents), french and german. Everyone's fighting but decided, against orders of course, to call a truce on Christmas. The Scots miraculously brought three bag pipes during this war time; and thankfully the germans let sprinkles and his girl sing opera in the trenches. The horrible thing about this movie was that the actors were clearly faking their singing which annoyed the crap out of me.
4. Sherry Baby with Maggie Gellenhal (sp?). Bizare. Drug addict goes to prison leaving her 2 year old with brother and wife while in prison. Three years later Sherry gets out of prison and wants her life back. She wants the kid but clearly can't handle it. She is molested by her father. Uses sex as love. And ends up using! So, a really uplifting movie. NOT! Not worth the rent either.
5. Crank. Bizare movie where an assassin played by the dude in the Transporter and transporter 2 and he also co-starred in Italian Job. Anyway, he is an assassin and apparently "hit" a king pin and evoked the ire of another mob boss and his underlings. So, they poisioned him. He had an hour to live if he did nothing. Thankfully Dwight Yokam was his doc and he was able to suggest that he buy some time by keeping up his adreneline levels. It worked until the end of course. Weird scene where Crank and his girl have sex in chinatown on the streets. There is NOT enough purell for me to ever contemplate sex on one of those magazine/paper boxes - a million people touch those things, birds poop on them, and dogs pee on them. Why would that be a sanitary location. It wouldn't.

Well, that's the update. It was a great weekend.

Hope yours was too!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Mardi Gras Mambo: Karen 15 minutes; Eric 49 minutes 14seconds


The Mambo Marathon was today. It consisted of a 1 mile fun walk and a 10k run. I did a 15 minute mile and Eric completed the 10k in 49minute 14 seconds. I was happy, as its better than I have been doing in the gym but not better than Chitown in 05. I did have a moment where all the evil nasty thoughts I had during the Chicago marathon came flooding back like niagra falls and it had me hatin'. Hey, I never said I was above holding a grudge ad infinitem. The thoughts passed pretty quickly as I basically walked over a couple kids and some grammies and Eric reminded me of many positives! Next time Li, I will say yes to your offer to walk with me. It was good to be part of the Mambo experience but basically I get too bored with walking/jogging. I would rather leg press 300lbs.

Eric on the other hand: I thought did well but he thought he sucked ass - something about doing 7.10 minute miles in training..he is too hard on himself I think. Hey, I never said he wasn't uber compulsive. Why is it I am drawn to differently anal or differently compulsive people? Its a bonding thing I guess.

Baton Rouge is warm - 58 - and its been great to not be in a down parka, gloves, and all kinds of fleece. We may hit up a mardi gras parade later today. Until then, we're chillin'.

Tomorrow is the big game! I met two women on the plane into BR if I was going to the game and someone at Parrain's (restuarant) asked if I was with the team! I said thanks for thinking I was with them - most people don't recognize the team attorney. It didn't get me a free dinner . Alas!

Ok we are going to put in Banditas with Penelope Cruz and SELMA Hay(um)ek.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Oscar Night!

Oscar Night is almost upon us. February 25, 2007! The pathetic thing is that I have not seen many movies. So, between now and then, there needs to be some serious movie madness. So get your movie passes, and bootleg candy cause this sista has lots to see.

I have Netflix too which will have to do for movies like - Little Miss Sunshine (got it), Superman Returns (some odd award), Flags of our Fathers, Marie Antoinette and maybe a couple more.

The rest we will have to figure out - I'll have to find jankass theatres still playing Queen, and the Amin movie.

The task is upon us - let's Get-It-Done!