Mardi Gras Mambo: Karen 15 minutes; Eric 49 minutes 14seconds
The Mambo Marathon was today. It consisted of a 1 mile fun walk and a 10k run. I did a 15 minute mile and Eric completed the 10k in 49minute 14 seconds. I was happy, as its better than I have been doing in the gym but not better than Chitown in 05. I did have a moment where all the evil nasty thoughts I had during the Chicago marathon came flooding back like niagra falls and it had me hatin'. Hey, I never said I was above holding a grudge ad infinitem. The thoughts passed pretty quickly as I basically walked over a couple kids and some grammies and Eric reminded me of many positives! Next time Li, I will say yes to your offer to walk with me. It was good to be part of the Mambo experience but basically I get too bored with walking/jogging. I would rather leg press 300lbs.
Eric on the other hand: I thought did well but he thought he sucked ass - something about doing 7.10 minute miles in training..he is too hard on himself I think. Hey, I never said he wasn't uber compulsive. Why is it I am drawn to differently anal or differently compulsive people? Its a bonding thing I guess.
Baton Rouge is warm - 58 - and its been great to not be in a down parka, gloves, and all kinds of fleece. We may hit up a mardi gras parade later today. Until then, we're chillin'.
Tomorrow is the big game! I met two women on the plane into BR if I was going to the game and someone at Parrain's (restuarant) asked if I was with the team! I said thanks for thinking I was with them - most people don't recognize the team attorney. It didn't get me a free dinner . Alas!
Ok we are going to put in Banditas with Penelope Cruz and SELMA Hay(um)ek.
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