Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Friday, January 19, 2007

American Idol - those mean bastards!

I finally watched the 4 hours of American Idol this week. It was sad. Really sad. Ok I laughed my ass off. But, it was simply mean. Why is it that they find it necessary to degrade and mock and poke fun of those people who are challenged, over weight, and otherwise unattractive? The poor Lemur dude - his eyes were big sure, but did Simon have to say he looked like he belonged in the jungle? No. And we know the formula - long sob story 8 times out of 10 means that the friggin person is going to suckass as a singer. The jig is up I tell you. Think of something new. Each season - but for that Fantasia season - I have watched this show and over the years the pre real show has been more painful. I do not like watching the worst of the worst. I liked that we were able to actually see Kelly and say - wow she is 1. cute and 2. rockin! I don't like not getting to know everyone. I do like that guy Tommy something with the afro. He rocked.

I will say this - I laughed my ass off over that woman and her mom. The woman was braless and had nipples the size of dinner plates. How did I know - well the lighting was such that it reflected the areolae through the gold lamay shirt. She and her mom were unbelievably atricious. HORRIBLE. HORRIBLE. People like that should not be on the show because it makes us less tolerant and we shouldn't be laughing like we do. Ok the way I do.

I have to catch up on all my other shows.


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