Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Poor Penny got her stones Poked!

Sounds more interesting than I am sure it felt. Penny was blessed with my jumping and shouting over Marina last night. I really couldn't help myself though. Anyway, we woke at 5am and I chauffered Ms. Penny to the hospital. Interesting! We arrive, walk down a very long hot overpass to the proper building, and go to the front desk. Penny checks in and goes back to give some vitals (I assume) and then the fun begins. Sort of comedic actually as someone with very little command of the English language began calling out names. It was painful. Funny, but painful. I so wanted to help her out somehow but I was certain she would know how to say HIPPA! Finally agter a complete and utter bastardization of multiple names, she finally called Penny. We were ushered with 3 others to the pre-op room where we were instructed, very carefully in groups of 2 lest she miss something, on the proper way to disrobe and re-robe. Johnny goes backwards and robe frontwards. All the curtains closed, and as I sat outside the little area waiting my gambling issues kicked in and I immediately placed a fake bet on penny beating all the others in the Johnny Coat Contest. Alas, I lost. Somehow the lesbian in the drawstring pants, fleece jacket, and slip on shoes couldn't beat the hunched over, parka clad, oldsters! Imagine that!

And so we waited. The anesthesiologist appeared - she was all of what 21/22 - and she attempted to find a vein and insert the needle for anesthesia. This took literally 20 minutes, 2 local anesthesias, and about 8 needles. 8! She is bruised on her hand, forearm and mid arm (that inside elbow part). But finally, she got it in. I left at that point and Penny made it through surgery, breathing tube and all. Renee chauferred Penny home and stayed with her through the day. I arrived after 5pm and have basically been lying in bed since I got here. Of course I tried to do some work but then Napoleon Dynamite was on and work was over!

It is sort of amusing to watch Penny all drugged up on Percocets. Funny actually as she is getting her words all mixed up and is sort of flowing in and out of compis mentis. Funny.

We keep learning new things from pleck - 1. why get the needle in on the first try when you can try and try and try and try again; 2. bruising is fundamental; 3. everything is a new experience; 4. getting the new doctor/nurse/aide, etc, is inevitable; 5. always expect the unexpected. Did I fail to mention the grenade suction thing that is coming out of her stomach - yeah she has some kind of johnson drain coming out of her. Its just a small price to pay to once again be able to eat foods high in fat and rich in calories.

Penny, be well!


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