Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

How I miss American Idol with Leon

I've been working out - I know, get off the floor! I've also been working late - no shock! And not eating more than oatmeal, and soup or pasta at work- snoreville but when you're busy that's what's easy. ANYWAY, Combo all that together and tonight I almost passed out on the way home from the gym. I was seriously considering my options and the liability. Could I pull over in time? Or would I take out a family, a dog, or the gas station pump? Could I blame someone else for the liability - like Bally's or Gatorade. In the time it took me to decide I would be solely liable, the passing out feeling left. I arrived home safely, and collapsed with a pack of peanut butter crackers and water and turned on the tube.

Tonight is the first night that I actually watched a TV show (ok half) while it was actually airing and not on DVR. And as some horrifyingly bad singer I rolled my eyes. And then came some guy who had a big afro and glasses and was a little chunky. Well I thought of course they were going to make fun of the dude and then he started talking and I LOVE HIM. He was hysterical - even made fun of David Hasselhoff. Funny! And then he sang Seal, kiss from a rose. Was the BOMB! THE BOMB! And then I missed my cousin - so I called him.

We watched the first idol together. I was living in town and so it was easy to have our Monday/Tuesday night fried dough fests. Over time work got busier and I moved up here. For half a season we would call on the phone. But its been a while. I miss you Lee!!

So, Leon is of course in love with Sundance Head. We both loved the Seal guy too but we are not particularly sure how long he will last on the show. Probably not long.

Anyway, it was a decent show tonight - no poking fun of anyone who was disabled. There was a girl and her mom who apparently want to emulate Cher when she was on Sunny and Share or Chrystal Gayle as their hair went down to literally their ankles. My first thought was ick and my second thought was that they needed to cut their hair and donate it to locks of love as there was probably enough hair for at least 2 wigs per person. Leon said their hair was no good for donation because it was fried. Since he works with hair I will take his word for it.

I think I might want to be a hairdresser. NOt only so I can sing the Beauty School Drop Out song but because that would ROCKIN! That or a bartender!! I would CLEAN UP on the tips!! CLEAN UP! Plus all that stuff I would find out about peple. hehe.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

so sad!! i miss idol with you too kar actually i miss alot of things we used to do at any and every given moment of course idol is not the same with out you but the next best thing is the phone while watching which we do and do it well lol at every commercial. remember when we cryed in my room watching kelly win lol ahh the memories... i do like sundance and the afro dude who sang seal but i cannot make a judgement yet as to who will win because they only show 2 out of the hundreds of auditions who actually make it thru to the hollywood round, but anyway i digress(spelling?), miss you montenegro, mrs anderson, flarico etc.... love ya.
p.s thank you for making me a headline on your blog wooo hooo FINALLY!!!!!!

10:14 PM  

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