Meet the Crazies
Well Jdog came to family dinner. I know, why would I subject her to family dinner. Not sure, but I did. My family is a bit tweaked. We walk in - me in my flufftasticness, Jdog in her Jdogedness. My sis immediately tells me that I need some silicone based product in my hair. Great. Thanks. Enter Mom and Dad. Dad laughs and mom contorts her face in a disgusted way and proceeds on 5 minutes of no, what are you really doing to your hair? what are you going for? To which, Jdog, replies - its blacktastic. Mom asks, is that the opposite of fantastic? Jdog says no she's getting in touch with her african roots. To which family goes mute and subject merrily changed.
Now mom called Jdog, Jenn for most of the early day. At dinner and the 10th such name calling, Jdog replies to mom's "do you want spinach jenn?" with a determined "no thanks peggy." To which mom laughed, snorted, and thereafter stated that she made a friend today. Great. Thanks.
Dinner proceeds and again with the silicone based hair product and the what are you doing with your hair. Jdog says "I think she looks beautiful." Which causes tears of laughter from my father and another subject change.
There was more - like mom saying only men would have sports paraphenlia in a room. Jdog again had my back when i said I would have sports momentos in a room and thought it was cool and not tacky!
It was an interesting day. Jdog got to see the inner workings of the fam and well I had an ally at the table. Thanks Jdog!
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