Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Friday, April 25, 2008

wet ball

Never a dull moment when I am travelling. For some reason my internal tolerance for such trips is waning - surely a sign of age. I used to have no issues travelling and for the most part I do not - however, i have noticed increased queasiness during flights. I still enjoy the people watching, the drama that unfolds while in an airport, the tearful goodbyes, the breakups, the love filled reunions, all coupled with the crapy food smells, not enough purell in the world bathrooms, and screaming children. Overpackers, underpackers, people who STILL complain about secruity, STILL do not understand that no matter that there is one more squirt in the channel no. 5 bottle, its still 16ozs and therefor an unacceptable carry-on item. At least the airports - at least most - actually provide ziplock bags for the people who still forget to bring them.

I started my day at a great conference and then headed north (or some direction at least) to the airport. MY routine is to check in, dump my overstuffed but not yet 50lb bag, go through security and then pee. So, I get to the OSU airport and go for my post security pee. Something didn't feel quite right. there was a wetness that sort of travelled up my leg to my back. What the heck? Of course I think of all those storied about spiders and snakes and crocodiles that come crawling out of toilet bowls and I panic. I started brushing myself off and basically looked like I was chasing my tail. This whle in a bathroom stall with my pants about to fall down. After nearly wrenching my back and calling in the lady waiting to use my stall, I found the culprit.

The beloved toilet seat cover had absorbed splatter and somehow got caught in my panties which caused portion of the cover to ball up and roll itself up my ass. When I pulled up my shirt to fiz the panties and reach to get my jeans, the ball made its way to my back. So, that was attractive and a bit gross. At least it wasn't a croc with its teeth buried in my ass. And hey, sometimes you gotta imagine the crazy and impossible to be ok with the fact that you are holding a ball of pee.


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