Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Mr. Anderson?

My cousin Leon tells me that no one reads my picks. Leon also tells me that I also need to purchase and review the new Pink CD because it is the best ever. Hey, Lee, what I didn't tell you is that I will purchase it tomorrow on iTunes - which I love! Leon has an iPod but I believe that Leon's is a video iPod, Mr. fancy pants.
Leon also tells me that I need to Fng mention him one f'ing time. So, this is for you, Leon.

Leon, my cousin, is the one I blamed for my being gay. The cousin, Leon that is, who refused to let me drive his go cart. My cousin Leon who introduced me to Cher, Bette, Genesis, and Men at Work. My cousin Leon with whom I used to sing many songs and correograph many dances. We, my cousin Leon and I, wrote a song one day. The song Leon and I wrote had approximately 10 different words but it works and the dance rocks. Leon is a great dancer who used to win many dance competitions at places like Chowder Pot and the old Wolworths. Did I mention that while walking in Wolworths one day, I popped a piece of cherry bubble yum in my mouth. Leon did not give me that bubble yum as he liked to bogart it all for himself. Instead Frank gave me the gum - snuck it to me really, as mom said I couldn't have it (suprise - just like I couldnt go see the Go-Gos, Kiss, Prince, or Sean Cassidy - all concerts I was going to see with Leon. Maybe Leon was the problem.). So, I was chewing this fabulously tasty brand spanking new gum that Leon did not give to me, in the Wolworths. In my cow like chew, the gum went flying out of my mouth landing on the Wolworths floor. And THAT was the first time the 5 second rule was officially started. Leon did not invent that rule, I did.

I love my cousin Leon. He rocks! I hope you like this blog Lee, maybe now you will finally read my blog.

love ya cuz!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i read your blog

3:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you ms. anderson for finally mentioning my name no matter how horrible you made me sound but i did enjoy it immensly so thank you too funny! and what up to all the peeps..... i think we need to start a leoniese blog kar lol lol lol

10:29 PM  
Blogger Penny said...

The 5 second rule applies to things that drop on a clean kitchen floor, or other surface at HOME that you know is relatively clean. NOT at Woolworths! YUCK!

7:59 PM  
Blogger Penny said...

And another thing - you've never mentioned US, your bowling peeps, either!

8:00 PM  

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