This American Idol Concert is going to be horrible. Why you say? Well, all you needed to do was listen to any of the songs they did together. First, Chicken Little - he is still horrible. Bucky and Chris ROCKED together when they sang after a rockin harmonica by Taylor. But answer me this, why in the world would you make the kids with the lisp sing all the "s"es. Why? Ace - I want to stab him in the face. I miss Bucky.
I know that I am the queen of hips but Mendisa gained some weight too. Her voice rocks and clearly she should have been in the final instead of katharine even though she is a homophobe which is too bad because she could have been the next gay icon. Lisa still has great eyebrows but still cannot sing. Puck and Pickler - horrible and moritifiable. But do you take money for a ridiculous skit simply because you get paid? Maybe. What is that slutty one's name? Melissa? Well she had a boob job big time. And if Paris shook that hair one more time I was going to rip that weave right off her head.
Paris and Al Jerreau. They ressurected him just in time because they did well with that song.
Chris and Live! AWESOME!! Except the Live guy was singing way too high. Chris rocked.
KAT - ok she was hot in that outfit with Meatloaf but did Meatloaf have a seziure in the beginning? Did either of them hit one single note? One? a half of one? NO! And he scared her so badly she could hardly recover.
Elliot and Mary J Blige. Well can I just say I would thrown MJB down in a hot minute. HOT!!! Great version of the song! I LOVE IT! And I miss Elliot.
Carrie Underwood looks absolutely beautiful.
Toni Braxton is the only woman who could come close to MJB but she should just keep her mouth closed because that voice is horrible and as RiRi said...all guy! Taylor was rockin on that song.
Not normal that I am ready to jump the couch and Leon, my gay cousin, is ready to hump himself yelling "Toni, Toni, Maroni."
This whole American Golden Awards is just ridiculous. They could have made this show one hour or less. This is ridiculous. What a waste of time. I did however LOVE the award to Elliot's mom - I love her. You know that Katharine's mom was ready to stab Elliots mom. And what about that guy who came flying out of no where and fell right off the stage. And this Clay kid.... WAIT A FREAKING MINUTE!!!!! CLAY AIKEN!!! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! CLAY AIKEN! That kid flipped but not more than me. I LOVE CLAY! My throat is raw from screaming. Funny that Ryan had to pull that kid off the stage. RiRi did think it was Pee Wee Herman and Shelly thought he was Lang but it was CLAY!!
Ok I am beside myself. Burt Bacarat. Love him. What the world needs now is for Katharine to continue to wear red. The look of disheveled gayness is Ace. But slutzilla could wear read low cut too. Maybe it is not a boob job - I bought a lift and separate bra which does the same thing. Kelly Pickler way cute with that song - but she just mumbles through the words she forgets - at least it better than singing about Khaki blue birds singing. I love bucky. I sing a little prayer - they messed that up. But Mendisa has good recovery. What's it all about alfie - actually brows did a good job with that song but really it looks like she has some blocked bowels when she schrunches. And she is no Dionne Warwick. Elliot should have made it to the final two - I love this song, home or whatever. can I remind you Clay did a great job with that song. Elliot needs to record that song. Paula is still on drugs and such a drama queen. And They did it on purpose giving Chicken Little Pussy cat song which is just pornographic. The song not CL doing it. I wish ACE was lost between the moon and New York city. He sucks. Maybe Paris and Toni should sing together.
What was the rhyme or reason over who got to sing with their favorite singer. Just the top 5? OH HELL NO DIONNE WARWICK - this is just a star studded thing and she looks EXCELLENT. WALK ON BY. Another resurrection from the ESP infomercials. Great to see her back. Sing it Sister! Sing it! THAT'S WHAT FRIENDS ARE FOR - unfreakingbelievable!
Did you see Angel, a/k/a Bones, a/k/a David Boreanaz with his kid in the audience. Love him!
Brokenote mountain. Horrible. But so very cute. They didn't develop voices over the course of the show's airing. Alas. They are not the guest stars that are making the show but it was good to see them since I CRIED my eyes out when they were originially on.
WHERE IS KELLY LEON? Where is she? I wanted to see her and I am SICK over the fact that I cannot see her. I missed her on the Country Music Awards! Leon said she gained weight and might be pregnant.
PRINCE!!! WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT THE FUCK! I would still do Prince - mostly because he looks like a woman. This is the BOMB! I am literally losing my mind and my blood pressure is through the roof. I used to freaking bust a million moves to Prince and the Revolution and this little diddy he is doing works for me. Who are the hotties - not lisa and Wendy for sure. HOLY SHIT! I cannot take this pressure. How hot is he! Ok I want to BE Prince.
Kat and Taylor - just threw this song off. Guess what - Kat has on a girdle (unless she cut out a rib or two) and this song was mine and Jen (that C's) "song" how lame. They were cute dancing together though.
I am hungry from all this screaming, jumping, and this is ridiculous - the voting system - I hate Ryan. What is he saying? Brits!
GO TAYLOR! GO TAYLOR! GO TAYLOR!! Way cute. He is crying. Oh his dad. Cute. Soul Patrol needs to go though. Kat is at least being decent in the public eye OH MY LORD DAVID HASSELHOFF IS CRYING! That just clinched it for me. This show rocked - ok the guest stars rocked but a lot of everything else was sort of weak. This was really a great show. Great show. Leon said that tonight was definitely Gay Days on American Idol. BUt that works for us.
I love this Do I make you proud song. Awesome. Go Soul Patrol. Awesome!