The Demonator! The Demon! or simply Demon would work quite well. Picture it, buff, braided, bra of sportness, and some beefy tish shorts...oh its me and I am standing on a 10foot platform with a large q-tip like impliment in my arms. I am chanting in a foreign tongue - perhaps parseltongue or some other demonish/satanic language. For I am (in my fantasy world) a new AMERICAN GLADIATOR (complete with cheesy music as my theme song). Can you believe this show is BACK!! and with it come all my 80s fantasies about being on the show. I would so kick ass - ok that HELLga looked like she could pretty much crush me with her braids but I would give her a run for her money. Siren is hot the rest are just mediocre. But the show is back - all the campiness and crazy names from the first are back. There is even a Maori dude that is pretty cool and has some great tats and does a traditional dance when he is introduced. The constestants are losers so far but we will see who wins. The show is hosted by Hulk Hogan (complete with fake platinum hair) and Layla Ali (and all her hotness). Despite saying Brother every 3 seconds, Hulk is much more tolerable than Ryan Seacrest who will annoy me within the next few weeks when Americal Idol starts. So, if you are missing the 80s and loved this show back in the day - check it out. The Joust, the gauntlet, and that shooting darts thing is still there. They added some new (lame) games and changed up the Eliminator some but all the joy and mirth I once felt is now back!
I saw a few movies:
1. I am Legend. This is what I thought about this movie before seeing it: "Will Smith. Drama. Love Will. Interesting concept to be the only person on earth." This is what I thought after seeing the movie: "Why the fuck didn't anyone tell me there were ZOMBIES in this movie." Clearly I am one of the only (but for Suze who went with me) person in america who didn't know there were zombies in this movie. ZOMBIES. Not Night of the Living Dead zombies - real people zombies, like this could happen zombies. Creepy scarey kill you and eat you zombies that again could start populating the earth. The movie had one great thing- Will Smith. Actually it had more than that. The premise is that in an attempt to cure cancer, Emma Thompson actually created an uber virus much more virulent than the bird flu - basically killing anyone it infects. Will smith works for the government - is some sort of smarty pants scientist working on a cure. Guess what - no cure can be found. Population wipe out (including his wife and daughter although i was waiting the whole time for them to reapper they never do) except for (so we think) will and his immune dog Samantha. Now, Will has some sort of immunity or antibody or antibiotic so he is set. Sam is just immune because she wasn't attacked by the ZOMBIE DOGS or ZOMBIE people. Will spends 3 years trying to come up with a cure - how you ask? well he captures the ZOMBIES and does testing on them. WTF? He also spends time broadcasting on AM radio to anyone out there who is still alive. Enter, about 3/4 into the movie some allegedly hot chick from Maryland and some miscellaneous kid who are on their way to the hills of VT where there is a colony of living people. So, by the end Will finds a cure, gives it to allegedly hot chick, who takes the kid and the antidote and flees to the colony. Meanwhile back in the mad scientist lab, will smith pisses off the king of the ZOMBIES who is one scarey mofo - and is attacked. Luckily he has a handy dandy grenade and blows all the zombies (and himself) to smithereens. This movie is worth the rent not the buy.
2. Charlie Wilson's War. Ok so I knew something about this movie going in: Julia's first role post twins, Tom's first role since his cameo in the Simpsons movie, that Capote dude, and politics. Of course I knew that the US supplied guns, and ammo to the afganastanis. What I didn't know was that the supply was to the tune of $250 million and the whole operation was covert and basically started by none other than womanizing drunkass charlie wilson. The movie was very well done, the screenplay was great. It wasnt one more boring preachy political film - although it could have been if oliver stone directed. I would definitely agree with Tom and Phillip getting best and best supporting nods but nothing for julia as anyone could have played that role. Funny, dramatic, worth seeing. Rent it.
3. National Treasure - part 2, or secret something. The only thing I thought going in was this is a sequel to the original so it will be fun. And low and behold, it was. Nick Cage did a great job recreating his role as whatshisname in the movie. The girlfriend and best friend all reprised their roles (which I like in a movie). Angie's dad was also in the sequel. Mom was played by Helen Miren which was nice. Funny. Entertaining. Not the blockbuster of the year that Transformers was but totally worth seeing on the big screen if you loved the first. If not, just rent it.
4. I have now seen Hairspray about 10 times and YOU NEED TO BUY THIS MOVIE RIGHT NOW. TODAY. GO GET IT!
Now for the books...
I have only finished two books:
1. Brother Odd - Dean Koontz' third book in the Odd Thomas series (Odd Thomas, Forever Odd, and now Brother Odd). The first book rocked. Loved it. Odd is just a great character and his love Stormy was the bomb too. Book two blew ass and it is a suprise that I actually bought the third one but alas I did. Odd is, say it with me, at a monastary and of course Elvis follows as does a ghost dog named Boo (great addition) and the bodachs. Its doesn't take a rocket scientist or physicist to figure out who done it but it is a good read. Koontz gave us more of the heart felt loving adoring Odd we all fell in love with and less with the blood and gore and stupidity. The character development of the lesser characters was good as well. Sometimes a red herring is a red herring but I didn't feel like koontz thought he was getting one over on us. I will of course get teh 4th book. if you haven't yet done so check out the site as it will give you some background on the characters and a pretty hokey setup and trailers. BUt still, its Odd.
2. Still reading Ann Rice's the Mummy. Sometimes Rice is just too verbose and I get bored reading her shit. Its good but its just not captivating me enough to finish. That and who can't figure out what happened. She can be formulaic to a fault - but what do I know? ok everything.
3. B-Mother. Now why do you think I would read this. The book's title and the cover art (a clothes line muted in the middle hangs a white onesie) would lead one to believe it was about birth mothers. Was I wrong? Nope. I had two recommendations - Jules and Jdog. I had a mental breakdown in the middle of the book and still didn't put it down. By the end I was utterly traumatized by the whole notion of a birth mother actually spending her life wondering and depressed and unable to live a normal productive life because of that one decision. curious that this birth mother wasn't a jankass crackwhore incapable of love and affection let alone recalling that she even gave birth. But that is my personal stuff taking away from the book itself. Well written, great character development, location descriptions were good - nice northern new england setting. what's not to love? Worth reading unless you are adopted in which case you might want to have a few pints of ben & Jerry (stop and shop has them 2 for $6), some m&ms, a stiff drink, and your therapist on speed dial.
On TV - well still not watching too too much. American Gladiators started on Sunday. Still watching the Amazing Race - down to 4 teams which means it must end next week unless it ended last night (haven't watched yet). Everything else is pretty much dead because of the writers strike. Although Boston Legal appears to be new this week.
And then...the L word. Now I have been having some "receiver" issues with my dsh. Given the amount i overpay for the friggin platinum package (why would I be able to live without all those stations) I shouldn't have such issues. But alas I do. I missed Dick Clark apparently stumble through Happy New Year (poor dick - he should just be the head that portrays him on Futurama). So, I get a new receiver just in time for the Lword premeire. So, I think. The flippin TV goes all bonky around 5 which sends me into annoyance. When it totaly janked my Gladiator watching I was building up to ire. And then L Word came on and it just pissed me off but not as much as the show.
L word is a show I love to hate and I hate to love.
1. why is Jenny still alive?
2. thank god mangus is gone
3. did max die because that wouldn't be bad either
4. tina looked like a deranged librarian - between the hair and her weird dress barn circa 1983 suits, shirts and jewlery. Oh wait right, Lword jewlery is all the rage. wtf?
5. shane - she's back sort of. She was almost like she was on season one. almost. 6. i hate the rewriting of history thing the writers do. I know nothing compares to the creation of the italian husband calling marina back home. Now I did one of those fanzodes on line where the fans write a scene and got lambasted because i didn't stick to the structured story line. if I recall correctly, last season ended with shane all excited about moving in with Pain Killer Jane and her son. she had that whole ozzie and harriet fantasy thing. And if I recall even further, blondey was having or at least her acting ability lead one to believe she was not as happy about the relationship as Shane. I realize that people leave shows - seemingly this more than others (anti dyke drama I suppose) - and writers have to find creative ways to write them off the show. We can't be killin everyone - unless their name is dana and she's one of the best most believable characters on the show. But why is it that instead of making her, Blondey who clearly signed on for at least the first episode in the season, back out of the relationship since she apparently wanted to? Instead Shane does a 180 and turns back (sort of) into old Shane. Now, if she is going to be old Shane bring it on and bring it on well - but don't create this craziness of her not wanting the relationship anymore because wtf the end of last season had her wanting it.
7. I rewatched season 1 with jdog. You remember the manatees that jenny was talking to? remember how they swam in the tank all talking to weird manatee girl and the manatee curator. why do you suppose they used beluga whales to play the part of manatee. I know manatees are ever elusive but honestly they dont look that much alike.
8. Prison scenes are hard. And we all now know there is that BBC show Bad Girls. which is set ina prison and we all know that that show has taken off and has success both on tv and all the dykes in the US buying up copies of the first 3 seasons on But the Lword should stick to pretending to be the lesbian version of Queer as Folk and not pull in the Bad Girls scenes with Helena. Better yet - be friggin original. Now that would be novel.
9. So to recap - I still hate Bette, Tina, Jenny, Max, Mangus, and the writers. I love Alice. I like Helena (if only she could have her money back and be the pretentious but loving character she used to be) and Shane, and where the fuck is Pappi? It is going to be a long season of this show.
10. yeah, I'll bet $10 that bette and tina get back together. Why do so many people want this? Bette was tolerable when she was fucking around with Candy the carpenter and is midly tolerable when Marlee Matlin calls her on her BS other than that I want to scream when I see those weepy basset hound eyes. Tina was tolerable when she was that dude's sidekick on Angel. Come on lesbians everywhere - its ok to criticize this show. Sure its on and I appreciate that and watch every week but can't/shouldn't we demand more?