Song Choice Song Choice Song Choice
Another night of horrible singing on American Idol - the women.
Paris: She can sing anything but she needs to go. She cannot BRING IT! And she forgot the words! How do you forget the words to a song by Gloria Estefan? Honestly, she is talented as we all know - she will get a contract regardless. She is too young and nervous and shouldn't be. I do love her but she does need to go but wait - I haven't seen the rest so, she could be the best. Scratch that, she may be the least annoying.
Lisa: Wow! She is good and she just has unbelievable eyebrows. Carol you need to hook up my brows like that again! Anyway, she rocked with that run. Again, young & not the right song choice but she did belt it. Needs a fun song. I love her parents.
Melissa: She comes off like a total slut. What is that outfit - Madonna in that horrible movie post Material Girl meets Tammy Faye meets Joan Jett meets way bad hair day. The jewlery is horrible and she is SCREAMING into the mike. It just sounds like bad karaoke.
Kannik: After dry heaving over the thought of someone eating chitlins...I thought to myself why would anyone try to sing Alicia Keys. AK has this unbelievably raw talent that is really had to match. She has this sas and style and heart and soul that is immediately and innately infused into her songs which makes it impossible for others to replicate. Anyone, including Kannik. Horrible. Just sounded like she was reading the lyrics. At least she didn't dress like a cowboy.
Katharine: I did not hear the rumors about Kathy being pregnant or leaving the show. And isn't this show supposed to be about people who are not trained. She went to the Boston Conservatory. Sister does have a girdle on today because she wasn't that thin last week and honestly the "smoldering" look is not working. She can belt out this Freedom song although something about it is just a bit off. IS NO ONE HAPPY about being on AI - is meodricity acceptable. Although this young group likely thinks they rock even when they look and sound horrible.
Alya: she thought her father was Elvis? Wow. What a jock. WHAT is this song. Impossible song to sing well. Alanis Morrisette is another tough one to sing - and this is a great song but GADS. Ok she is trying to pull it back. Failed. She needs to be singing Melissa Etheridge, Indigo Girls, et al.
Mendiza: LOL on the thumb sucking. She can really rock out - I'm every woman. I love this song - a little Chaka Kahn - even the Whitney version is great. And the girl can rock and dance which is a feat even britney spears can't pull it off - so for a big girl even more impressive. ROCKED The house. I think she will be the winner of the women - and in the top 4. She may have a shot at the top 2. Maybe Paula's problem is that she cannot focus with people who stink. She just struggles to find the words so she sounds drugged. Because she was really able to articulate over Mendiza which was a miracle.
Kelly: Wait a minute - Melissa Etheridge, this is the song Alya should have sung. The Pickler should not move when she sings, she does not have a rhymythic bone in her body. SHE IS ON THE GROUND right now. This is NOT a pole dance. And STOP screaming. Please! She may be able to stick to country but please go on that LeAnn Rimes Country Star show. What's a minx? Like Calamari! I want to hate her but she is just so young, naieve, I'm a minx. She should invest in a dictionary. Honestly. Sal - mon. This is just mean.
My picks for kickage: Melissa, Kinnik, Alya will be in the bottom and it will be a race to see who gets kicked.
Note: Gauchos are back!
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