Ramblin' Peep

Guess Who's Back? It is true! Your friendly neighborhood nojank, total serenity, favorite wonder woman wannabe, Kar! I am recreating picksforpeeps (registered trademark, copyright, patent pending) this time in blog format! So, Enjoy!

Thursday, March 09, 2006

The Losers

Well the first loser is Bo Bice. Now, I loved Bo. But one, he looks like he's been takin the needle. honestly he lost about 30lbs. Next, it is not suprising that the horrible cowgirl is off the show. And Will - I am psyched that the 14 year olds were not rigging the votes- although hello Chicken Little. Ayla should have chosen Melissa Etheridge - THAT would have gotten her in. And she is crying! Poor thing - but daddy-o is a politician so its not like she is going home to abject poverty or something. Get over it. Good news is this: we don't have to wait another year before we watch her play for BC. Gideon, his fate was sealed when Simon said he hated G's smile. Poor thing. He rocked last week.

Top 12:
Paris - who I think flashed her business to everyone else
Katharine - I think I love her
The Pickler - the Minx. I think I love her now but still HATE Ryan
Mendisa - OF COURSE. I adore her but not the hats
Lisa - youngest contestant? I thought that was Paris
Melissa - the whore

Body Lurch - Whoo whoo Whoo
Ace - Dirty Beanie Boy
Chris - Rocker boy - I love him.
Chicken Little - he is cute and we'll see him on the American Idol tour. I teared up when he was called. that is how pathetic I am.
Elliot - he made it whoo hoo. The Brittenum twins are convicts and I ask you..why are they there??
Bucky - I love him

Well America, you voted. Now the real competition starts and I will start dialing! whoo hoo!

What you gonna do with all that junk? I love that song!

March 24 - new Denzel and Jodie movie. ROCK ON!


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