Well folks it was Oscar night! Jon Stewart from the Daily Show hosted. He is hysterical and was a great host. The movie started with interesting clips with all previous hosts: whoopie looked sexy - something about her is just grand. Billy Crystal and Chris Rock had a brokeback mountain thing going on. It was funny.
Here are some of my most memorable moments:
There was a great Brokeback montage of old cowboy movies that was GREAT! At the end Jon said something like "Charlton Heston was ripped! He looks like he was really lifting...20 commandments." HYSTERICAL!
Dolly Parton performed a great song from Transamerica which was something like Walking the world or walking over America. Rockin song actually. However, Dolly, poor Dolly. I am not sure but it looked like the islands had dried up the stream and that 9 to 5 job clearly got her down because she is now just a caricature of herself - but without thighs. She had sticks for thighs and then the waist. Do I not remember correctly that she had reduction and then implants on the boobs. They were immense which may have been more about the lack of waist and the really bad wig and the tightened up face which pulled her lips and eyes back so tightly that the rhinestone cowgirl looked plain old bad. Now, she's no comparison to Joan and Melissa or even Goldie Hawn in the surgery department. But...hey, she's Dolly.
Lauren Bacall - love the voice but grammy needs her hips replaced and should have worn her coke bottle glasses or contacts. Poor thing. And who knew she wasn't dead? Speaking of actors who I thought were no longer with us: Andy Rooney, Christopher Plummer, etc. Wow!
Many of you know that I despise George Clooney. Why? Because he did not come back to ER when his best friend Marc Green died! But tonight, I forgave him. I really did. His speech for best supporting actor was amazing. He really laid it out there and thanked his co-nominees, the academy, and made a great speech about being a part of a community who talks about the hard issues before anyone else. Awesome. I love him again. Thee screenwriter for Crash made a similar speech and I love him.
The bizarre bowties the Wallace and Grommet people wore were strange. But admittedly I am not a W&G fan.
The president of the academy was completely incomprehensible and if we cut him we might have finished at 11pm. He was yabbering about the "state of the heart" when referring to movies and it was just again incomprehensible.
I am, (in homage to George Clooney who wakes in the morning and says...World's sexiest man, 1997) going to call myself, lesbian stud 2006!
Funny montage about the ad campaigns for/against best actresses - One was by the Dames against Judy Densh - one of them was called Dame Smith-Smythe-Smithe. Funny! Another was anti-Charlize because she was nominated simply for "haggin it up." Whereas Kiera Knightly had cheek bones sprinkled with God's dust - funny. But the best was...Instead of voting for a bunch of letters that make no sense (Felicity, Charlize, Dame, Keira) vote for someone American. Vote for Reese! HYSTERICAL!!!!
The hotties: Selma Hayek - yum! Queen - double yum! JLo looked great except her makeup looked worse than Will Farrel's who was almost close to blackface and therefore almost offensive. Meryl Streep and Lilly Tomlin looked great. Whoopie looked cute. Mostly disappointed in the skinny waif like women like Jessica Alba and Hilary Swank. Charlize - lord that outfit had to go...speaking of outfit, funny joke - While dressing for the Oscars, Bjork was shot by Dick Cheny! LOL!!!!
Jon Stewart introduced Jennifer Gardner and I said - whoa JLo is shooting daggers at that momma. As I say that I get distracted by Jennifer's breasts which apparently were jiggling too much and threw off Jen's balance because sister friend almost hit the dirt. She did one of those slip forward and then catch yourself byu going backwards. HYSTERICAL I nearly puked from laughing so hard. I rewound it over and over. HYSTERICAL! Just classicly funny.
Now for the winners:
Supporting actor: George clooney. Best oscar speech in a long time. I forgive him for missing his friend's funeral.
Supporting actress: who can remember. Someone other than Francis McDormand won.
Actor: Phillip Seymour Hoffman - Capote. I haven't seen it but hear he is phenomenal. Jake Gyllenhal and Jaquin Phoenix were crying when the award was announced. get over it!
Actress: Reese Witherspoon. Now this is a tragedy. Absolutely. You have seen my trashing of this movie. And now she won the Oscar for her June Carter Cash performance. Over Felicity Huffman? Judi Densh? Goodness that was a MISTAKE!
Adapted Screenplay: Brokeback Mountain. Julia tells me this is one of the best short stories she has read - every! So, glad it won.
Screenplay: Crash. Unbelievably awesome movie
Producer: Ang Lee - Crash.
Movie: Crash. I am psyched this movie won. Yes, I liked Brokeback - don't kill me for not believing it should win over Crash.
Who knows the drama between Sandra Bullock and Keaneau Reeves. I ask because they presented together and she was clearly ticked off. I need to know!
It was a fabulous oscar night! Best I remember in a long long time. I hope you watched.
One L-Word comment, maybe 2 - can they think of anything that has not already been done on Queer as Folk. And the editors are slacking with their horrible editing. And then the tattoo scene from a couple weeks ago - anyone who has a tattoo knows that there is no way a tattoo artist would work on one person and then another without changing needles or doing a reset of equipment/ink etc. UGH!
lesbian stud 2006